There comes a time when questions must be asked. A couple of weeks ago that time came for me.
I had to ask what motivated me to do A Madman in CrazyTown. What drove the format? How did I sound to my listeners. It was a complex set of questions to ask. In many ways, it spoke to the core of my being.
My wife had been telling me from the beginning that I sounded too much like Michael Savage. For many of you, that's a compliment. Coming from my wife it wasn't. Even though she agrees with him on the issues, she hates his program and his delivery style. She has repeatedly said, "I can't stand all the shouting!"
So what did I do when I went back on the air as the Madman? I shouted. I ranted. I raved. I released all my anger, indignation, and outrage over the cyber airwaves pointing out the errors and deceit of the left. I thought I was being funny but after listening to some archived programs, I came across like a sarcastic jerk.
Anger was at the root of the show. I am truly outraged at the flagrant disregard for liberty, freedom, and morality. Throwing out the founding principles of this nation makes me crazy. I am very much in love with our country and the liberty it has historically afforded us. I believe in the Constitution as written and in the intent of those who wrote it and founded this great nation.
That said, above all of that I am a follower of Christ. The Bible is my ultimate reference and source of all that I hold dear and believe. As I evaluated the past programs, one question rose above all others, "Is the way I'm doing this honoring to God?" When it came down to it, the answer was "no." In that light, I have to wonder how effective I was the way I was doing it.
At the end of the day, I need to honor my God above all things. That means something must be changed from the current format. I will be returning to the airwaves soon but with a new tone. My views and opinions haven't changed in the slightest. I still want the program to be fun and filled with humor. Many of the best elements are going to continue with the show including the Lens of Truth. I am still a proud Christian Conservative. One key thing is going to change.
I must remove the anger. If we are to win the hearts and minds of our fellow citizens I believe it is through reason and truth not rage. Yes, the founders began with a strong sense of outrage but it eventually subsided into a firm resolve based upon truth and reason. They won the people to the idea of liberty from impassioned yet logical arguments for independence from England.
I believe we must to the same. The truths we hold are indeed valuable and worth fighting for in every possible arena. If we are to win, we cannot play into the stereotypes that the left fosters upon us. We must be above the label of "bitter clingers" and other names used to demonize us and our beliefs. We cannot use the same tactics they use against us. I know it's tempting. Our human nature is to attack when we are attacked and attack some more. If the leftists want to work from the mud let them. We cannot.
There is a Biblical principle of giving honor where honor is due. It is repeated often in a number of ways throughout the Scriptures. Paul admonished the church at Rome to honor and respect those in authority as God's ministers. I'm not going to give you an in-depth history lesson here but one note so that you are clear about how critical this was. Romans was written either late in the reign of Claudius who was considered to be an incompetent or the early years of Nero. The madness of Caligula would have still been fresh in their minds. I think that even with the lack of historical education in this country that Caesar Nero's name still means something. We have never had anyone as bad as Nero or Caligula here.
Given this, how can we say we honor God when we dishonor those He put in authority? We don't like the policies of the administration at all. That's absolutely acceptable and in this case necessary. However, we cannot engage in the personal attacks and demonizing language used by our political opponents. We must be different. We can show respect to our opponents while pointing out the errors and lies of their words and policies. I believe there is a desire in all of us for the truth to be spoken in love just as the Word of God commands. If we are to win the day in the long run and return our nation to its original course, we must take a patient and honest approach. We didn't get to this meshing of secular humanism and socialism overnight. It will take more that a couple of election cycles to pull us out. Take a long view and educate, inform, and challenge not from anger but from truth and gentleness. "A gentle answer turns away wrath."
We can do this. I at least must do this. I will return only when I am ready to follow the principles laid out in Scripture and speak truth with passion and respect. I hope you will join me.
I'll be back on the air soon. You can count on it.